We are at home now for Christmas and I had a little time to go over our logbooks. I know some of you are interested in numbers, so here are some of the important ones. The engines have run 275 hours each and we have traveled approximately 2200 statute miles. So the average speed is somewhere around 8 mph. We have burned 992 gallons of diesel at an average price of around $4.00 a gallon. A rough estimate of the mileage is a little better than 2 mpg.
We have anchored 20 times and stayed about 56 nights in a marina with 1 overnight on the boat while crossing the gulf. We would not normally have stayed that many nights in marinas, except that the AGLCA meeting at Joe Wheeler took a few, The visit to Chattanooga took a few, and the week at Mobile getting the prop repaired and visiting New Orleans added to the total. So far we have not paid more than $1.50 per foot (boat is 40 ft) per night. The marina at Pensacola was only $.50 per foot and others were only $.75 a foot. We are getting to the area in Florida where the average price starts at $2.00 a foot and up and can expect to pay that or greater from here until we leave Florida. That means we will probably spend a few more nights on the hook (anchored).
So far the engines have only used 2 quarts of oil, but I need to do an oil change when I get back and that will take 26 quarts for each engine. Glad I only need to change that every 250 hours! Chased a pesky coolant leak on the starboard engine for weeks, and I think I finally have it fixed. New hoses, new radiator cap, and a few extra clamps seem to have it slowed down a lot.
Leaving for the boat on the 1st and should be back there late on the 2nd. Need to change the oil, visit the customs people to get a document to let us get back into the states easier when we visit the Bahamas, buy a Sojourners permit to allow us to stay in Florida over 90 days and re provision for the trip to the Keys. We will probably return the rental car and leave Gulfport on the 4th if everything goes right.
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